New seasonal update "Mutagenesis" is already in the game!



You can enter the location in Horizon, through the NPC Daily Location Manager.


Anomalous Zone is a daily group mode in which, together with your allies, you can receive a large amount of “Metamorph Samples” for each successful completion of the location. The main task is to successfully clear all waves of monsters in order to reach the final boss, for killing whom you will receive the main reward:  Chest of Mutagenesis.

Location type: Daily / Party
Min. entry level: Lv 180
Number of deaths in location: Unlimited



Content 1
Content 2
Stage 1
Level 180+

Chest of Mutagenesis Lv1

Basic Sample


Rare Sample

Stage 2 
Level 200+

Chest of Mutagenesis Lv2

Rare Sample


Special Sample

Stage 3
Level 220+

Chest of Mutagenesis Lv3

Special Sample


Unique Sample


Total samples of Metamorph organs - 4:

- Metamorph Sample: Brain
- Metamorph Sample: Lung
- Metamorph Sample: Eye
- Metamorph Sample: Heart

Total possible stats in the sample - 4:

- Piercing (High Crit Chance)
- Annihilation (High Crit Power)
- Haste (High Atk Spd)
- Guardian (High HP, Medium STR)


Laboratory - this location is intended exclusively for summoning a Metamorph, which you can obtain in the process of combining “Metamorph Sample”. If you fail to deal with the summoned Metamorph and he kills you, you will automatically leave the location and the summoned Metamorph will disappear.

Location type: Free / Solo
Min. entry level: Lv180
Number of deaths in location: Limited (1 death)

Metamorph creation

To create a Metamorph, you will need to combine 4 different parts of the "Metamorph Sample"  of the same rarity. Each “Metamorph Sample” has its own base stats, and what samples you combine (including rarity) will determine how powerful your Metamorph will be.

The stronger and rarer the Metamorph, the higher your reward can be if you kill it.



Possible drop from Metamorph

   Infected Matter

Poisonous Chitin
  Chemical Extract

   Laboratory Potion Recovery

Laboratory Scroll of Distortion
Mutagenesis Shard

   Unique Pet Card

Attribute of Physical Power
Attribute of Magical Power

   Mutagenesis Orb (Rare Drop)

  [Boss Card] Metamorph (Rare Drop)
  Epic Pet Card (Rare Drop)

  Mutagenesis Orb

Using this orb, you can mutate your Chaos Stone, giving it a random effect.
IMPORTANT! The effect can be both positive and negative.

Mutation Options:

Effect 1

Effect 2 (Positive)
Effect 2 (Negative)


50 - 100

During an attack, with a certain chance you can get the effect of increasing P. Atk (1000) and apply Silence (2 sec) to the target.

During an attack, with a certain chance you can receive the effect of reducing P. Atk (1000) and receive Silence (2 sec). 


50 - 100

During an attack, with a certain chance you can get the effect of increasing M. Atk (1000) and apply Silence (2 sec) to the target.
During an attack, with a certain chance you can receive the effect of reducing M. Atk (1000) and receive Silence (2 sec). 


50 - 100 

During an attack, with a certain chance you can get the effect of increasing Accuracy (5 sec) by 50%.
During an attack, with a certain chance you can receive an Accuracy (5 sec) reduction effect of 50%. 


50 - 100

During an attack, with a certain chance you can apply Freeze (3 sec) to the selected target.
During an attack, with a certain chance you can get Freeze (3 sec) on yourself. 


50 - 100

Chance to apply Petrification (2 sec) to the enemy when your character is attacked.Chance to apply Petrification (2 sec) to yourself when you are attacked. 


50 - 100

Chance to apply Burn to the enemy when your character is attacked. 
Chance to apply Burn to yourself when you are attacked. 


50 - 100

Using a basic attack, with a 70% chance, you can steal 1,000 HP from the selected target. 

Atk Spd

50 - 100

Mana costs for skills reduced by 69%.
Mana costs for skills increased by 69%. 

Cast Spd

50 - 100

Item drop rate increased by 40%. 
Item drop rate reduced by 40%. 

Mov Spd

15 - 30

Increases P. Attack (1500) if the target dies.
Decreases P. Attack (1500) if the target dies. 

P Def

2000 - 3000

Increases M. Attack (1500) if the target dies. 

Decreases M. Attack (1500) if the target dies. 

M Def 

2000 - 3000

Increases Atk. Spd and Cast Spd (300) if the target dies.
Decreases Atk. Spd and Cast Spd (300) if the target dies. 

Max HP

6000 - 10000

Crit Power (30) increases after a successful Evasion. 
Crit Power (30) decreases after a successful Evasion. 

Max MP

6000 - 10000


Crit Pow

7 - 15


  Mutagenesis Purification Potion

Purification potion - allows you to remove the negative effect from the character that you can get during the mutation of the Chaos Stone.

 License to Enchant Creatures

License - allows you to enchant any creature with a 100% chance.

Crafted Item

Component 1
Component 2
Component 3

Laboratory Potion Recovery

Infected Matter

Poisonous Chitin

Chemical Extract

Laboratory Scroll of Distortion

Philosophical scroll

Laboratory Potion Recovery

Chemical Extract

Mutagenesis Purification Potion

Mutagenesis Shard

Laboratory Scroll of Distortion

Chemical Extract

Mutagenesis Orb

Mutagenesis Shard

Laboratory Scroll of Distortion

Potent Chemical Extract

License to Enchant Creatures

Mutagenesis Orb

Advanced Soul Catalyst

Potent Chemical Extract



Password recovery

Promo code

